Vat Pasteurizer (Smart Barrel)

Vat Pasteurizer (Smart Barrel)

Purpose. The vat pasteurizer is designed for the reception and cooling of milk and dairy products to up to 4°C, as well as for their heating up to 95°C. It is used in the production of fermented milk products. The moderately cold climatic model of the equipment is meant for indoor operation at +1±30°С

Vat Pasteurizer (Smart Barrel)
Vat Pasteurizer (Smart Barrel)

Manufactured products:

  1. Pasteurized cooled milk
  2. Fermented milk products (kefir, boiled fermented milk, clotted cream, etc.)
  3. Cottage cheese
  4. Soft or semi-hard cheese
  5. Sour cream
  6. Yogurts

Cooling and storage of milk for up to 48 hours

Operating principle of the vat pasteurizer (smart barrel)
The vat pasteurizer is a three-walled heat-insulated tank, which includes an internal vat, a jacket, thermal insulation, cladding, covers, and a drive. (The internal vat is made from 2 stainless steel sheets by means of automatic contact electrode welding in the form of an evaporator. It is basically a mantle heat exchanger.) The overflow pipes installed in the jacket serve to maintain the water level and relieve excess pressure.
On the side surface of the vat there is a block of heating elements for heating the water in the jacket, a resistance thermal converter for measuring the temperature of the water in the jacket, and a resistance temperature converter for measuring temperature of the product. On the top of the pasteurizer there is a beam. The beam has the drive, the product inlet, a breather, and slinging devices for transportation and installation of the vat. On both sides of the beam, there are covers. A washing head is installed on the inside of the beam.

Vat Pasteurizer (Smart Barrel)Operating principle
Milk is heated in the automatic mode (by heating elements located in the water jacket). During heating, the mixer operates.
For milk cooling, the device is equipped with a refrigeration unit, a plate heat exchanger, a reservoir for propylene glycol, a mantle cooler, and a pump. To cool the heated milk, it is necessary to drain the hot water from the jacket, turn on cold water for 30-40 minutes to lower the temperature to 65°C, then turn on the refrigeration unit and the pump for transferring propylene glycol. Propylene glycol from the reservoir is fed into the plate heat exchanger, where it is cooled by freon gas to 0-2°С. Then it enters mantle cooler of the pasteurizer and initiates cooling of the milk. When the mixer is on, the milk is cooled evenly, the heated propylene glycol is returned to its reservoir. The process repeats.
The process runs in the automatic mode, i. e. when the set temperature of +4+6°C is reached, the refrigeration unit, the mixer and the pump are switched off. To heat a new portion of milk, it is necessary to fill the jacket with water until overflow and turn on the heating elements. Thanks to the use of propylene glycol, there is a sharp decrease in the consumption of cold water used for cooling the product.
The equipment is controlled by the PR-200 regulator with an automatic valve at the water inlet. The image is displayed on the SP-307 touch panel. The regulator and the touch panel allow setting up 12 programs for the production of various dairy products. The production modes are supported automatically, except for starter cultures that are formulated according to the recipe for this dairy product.

Vat Pasteurizer (Smart Barrel)After power is turned on, the panel switches to the operating mode and displays the main screen allowing to select among 4 modes: COOLING, MIXING, RIPENING, HEATING.
The selection is made by pressing the corresponding button on the control panel when the backlight mode is turned on. To turn off the mode, press the button again. After activation of the selected mode, the remaining buttons become locked until the current mode is turned off (the panel does not respond to pressing other buttons). Locked buttons are translucent on the screen, and the active mode button is highlighted.